1. The teacher in class does not challenge verbal bullying by admin | Aug 28, 2015 The teacher in class does not challenge verbal...
2. Ryan asks Alice for support but she joins in with mates and calls him names by admin | Aug 28, 2015 Ryan asks Alice for support but she joins in with mates and calls him names. ...
3. The Teacher in class dos not challenge the verbal bullying Ryan is experiencing by admin | Aug 28, 2015 The Teacher in class dos not challenge the verbal bullying Ryan is...
4. Ryans Mom’s challenge Ryan about what happened at school by admin | Aug 28, 2015Ryans Mom’s challenge Ryan about what happened at school after his sister told them something occured. They fight between themselves rather than talk to their son about anything that has upset...
5. At the festival ‘Pride’, Alice breaks up with her girlfriend Bella and Ryan and Alice kiss by admin | Aug 28, 2015 At the festival ‘Pride’, Alice breaks up with her girlfriend Bella and Ryan and Alice...